
Why Volunteer with Sarah’s House?

Volunteering at Sarah’s House means making a meaningful impact on the lives of cancer patients and their families. Here’s why our volunteers choose to join us:

✔️ You desire to help others in medical need

✔️ You have the time & energy to do so & love people

✔️ You have personally been touched by cancer

✔️ You know someone affiliated with the house already

✔️ You knew Sarah and see this as a way to honor her

At Sarah’s House, our volunteers are the heart of our mission. People choose to volunteer here for various reasons, but they all share a common goal: to make a difference. Whether you’re cooking meals, assisting at events, or providing companionship, your efforts make our house a home.

Your time and effort ensure that Sarah’s House remains a sanctuary for those in need. Volunteers like you bring warmth, comfort, and a sense of community to our guests, helping them through their challenging journeys.

Sarah’s House is a non-profit organization, and we thrive thanks to the generosity of our volunteers and donors. Your involvement helps us continue to provide a home away from home for cancer patients and their families.